Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The sensory table experience or "Stop eating the rice baby Ryan!" (2-19-11)

It took about 2+ months after we received the sensory table from grandma and my brother so easily built a table for it that I finally tried putting something other than toys in it. Water or rice? That was the question. Rice can be vacuumed, and water might cause enough damage to need a deductible of some sort so rice it is! Baby Ryan was getting observed and I wanted Cash to be occupied so I started with a small amount of rice to get our feet wet so to speak. Little did I know baby Ryan would stop at nothing, hurtling his chubby little legs over mountains of pillows, crawling through and quickly thereafter crying out in frustration as he became stuck in between the legs of a child rocking chair, and even pushing his brother a good foot and a half taller out of the way to get to that table. Once he "made it" to his destination things always started the same. First he may wrinkle his nose and make some snorting sounds, a sign he is being silly or gotten away with something. Then, he may pick up a tool and play around in the rice a while. But, inevitably he always goes in for the kill, he is quick and he is precise, and in a matter of seconds his mouth is full of dry rice. You'd think one bite and he'd be done with it, but alas we are on day 4 of rice in the sensory table and I just may be asking Ryan about that deductible tonight.

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