Monday, October 10, 2011

Open House (or the shoe is on the other foot) 10-6-11

Tonight I had the pleasure (and nervous wreck'dness) of going to Cash's Open House. Now at my Open House the students walk around and show their parents what they have done so far in school. We spend the first few weeks of school making artsy projects to put up and make our room very showy. Cash's Open House is different. It is parents only and you sit in a circle on teeny chairs that remind you maybe you shouldn't have had that extra slice of pizza at dinner. You get advice, suggestions and general information which I like. The teachers type up and post student answers to questions like, what is the best part of pre-school e.t.c. and I had to laugh when I noticed that Cash's answers were often very long, maybe two or three lines of text when other students maybe used a word or two, can you say verbal? I try not to compare Cash's work, writing, art e.t.c. to the other students (okay maybe I end up doing it a little), but you can't help noticing when there are major differences. I didn't notice major differences per say but I did wonder how my parents (at school) feel when I have their child's work up with everyone else's. Is it a postitive?

Answers to the question "What do you like best about pre-school?"

They were completing a seed unit and had tasted different seeds, when asked which seed he liked best he said.......

Pretty definitive I would say!

And on a different note, the boys have loved a new set of trucks they just got and for a moment we even had sharing!

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