Saturday, February 5, 2011

While the cats away.....the mice or mouse will play! (2-1-11)

Wow! It is February, at this time last year I remember thinking "We really need to get everything ready for the baby, just in case he comes early." Little would I know that he would be here this same month.

This morning I was truly amused when baby Ryan found he had the downstairs to himself for a bit. Cash was still sleeping and Ryan had a mission. First thing to do, get to Cash's stash of stuffed animals which fair or unfair contained many if Ryan's own animals.

Finally! He's not around to body block me.

I think it was while walking on her lunch my mom found "Sophie" the giraffe and sanitized her so baby Ryan could have her. Later we would find out Sophie was a popular teether costing around 20 bucks! Ryan fell in love with Sophie, I mean she's a teether, she squeaks, what else could you ask for? A few days ago Sophie somehow made it into "The Pile". But now.....

I heard baby laughing around the corner and had to check it out. 

He had saved Sophie and was hysterical about the whole thing. I started pretending to "Take" Sophie and he laughed even harder gripping her so tightly I would never succeed.

Cash woke up a few minutes later none the wiser............but perhaps a bit confused about where his underwear goes.
Hysterical start to our day thanks to the Berry Comedy Brothers!

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