Monday, January 31, 2011

I'll Have What He's Having (1-29-11)

Baby Ryan delights in grabbing things from, knocking things over built by, and crawling across creations of his big brother. Saturday morning was no different. I try not to intervene in every tussle, they will be at this for years I am sure, but once in a while I do step in.

The problem: Baby Ryan repeatedly attempts to invade Cash's stuffed animal stash hidden beneath the trampoline. The clincher is that Cash has also included all of Baby Ryan's stuffed animals in his cache. Now if you have read this Blog before you know several things about Baby. One, he does not give up easily, and two he can climb and get to pretty much anywhere. Saturday Baby had enough of big brother's hoarding and went in for the steal. Cash's solution is to lay down in front of the animals in a blocking maneuver. Watch Baby's sheer delight when he manages to get an animal from the compound.

Mom's solution: (in the spirit of King Solomon) "Cash if we can't share we will have to cut the stuffed animals in half so you each get the same amount.

Cash: Alright mom he can have 2 (note there something like 20 but oh well it is a start)

And so the day continued with Baby just not letting it go that Cash may have something he doesn't. (see below)

But, sharing his ice-cream was not on Cash's list of To-Do's for this day and he quickly finished the cone before brother could get a hold of it. Minutes later I caught this shot.

Kind of guessing brother isn't giving a kiss here.

Thank goodness Cash went off to gymnastics and the boys got some time apart. Later that day I enjoyed teaching Cash how to play Yahtzee Turbo. He had his own way of "rolling the dice" which was very literal. He took once dice at a time and rolled it with his finger until he got the side he wanted. He struggled at first to beat the timer so when he finally did it, he was so excited he burst out quite a victory dance. 

Part 2

All I can say is "Where did he learn that?"

Showoffs! (1-28-11)

The end of a loooooong week. The boys are getting over and still fighting colds. But, despite their "sickies" those boys are still ready to show off their stuff on a Friday night! Baby Ryan continues to show off his stair climbing skills, with or without us right behind him. He has no fear that boy.

Hahahaha another heart attack for the parents!

Cash came into the kitchen before bedtime and didn't say a word, he just busted out this dance. I asked him to show me again and for once he did! That kid cracks me up.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Carrying on Traditions (1-27-11)

I can't remember when it started, but Cash has seemed to always love instruments, Beethoven, Mozart, and music in general. I remember once when he was almost 2 we were in Costco and they had a display of musical books. I pressed a button and as the song began to play Cash says "Mommy that's Mozart!" The lady next to us just stared.

Cash's instruments cover most the families, but he has mentioned that he doesn't have a saxophone. With drums in the garage, a guitar, accordion, and many others he often hands out the instruments and has us play "band" with him. A few months ago he got a violin and "practiced" maybe once a week. Grandma found out about the "Suzuki" method of teaching young students how to play the violin and we found a teacher nearby. Tonight was his first lesson. He was very comfortable and talked a lot. He seemed excited to play and when I asked if he wanted to go back again he said "Yes Please!" I felt a little pride in that I also played violin for a few years in elementary school and now Cash can carry on the tradition.

Check out my sticker chart!

Tonight before Cash's lesson the boys carried on a long tradition held by Cash. It consists of finding kitchen tools in the cupboard drawers that make the loudest noise possible! Not necessarily my favorite choice of activities, but the boys seemed to happy playing together.
Why bang the tools when you can eat them!

Baby Ryan spends a lot of time "trying" the things he finds in his mouth, pretty typical. But he also KNOWS when he is not getting to eat something everyone else is. He screams at the dinner table if his food is not the same as ours, we can only guess that is why he screams because he is instantly placated when we give him a spoonful of our food. Tonight it was snack time and Baby was a little upset he didn't get a bite of dad's cookie. 

Hey mom gave me this cookie, took a picture, then snatched it away!

Typical Night (1-26-11)

Ahhhh as the evening winds down we have had quite the average night around here. Baby Ryan continues to try and get into things his brother would rather him not.

If I could just reach a little further....

Cash runs around in as few clothes as possible occasionally expending his energy on the trampoline.

And when it is time for bed no one thinks they are tired, except maybe Dad and I. Yes just your average night at the Berry house, wouldn't have it any other way.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Take Pride in Everything You Do! (1-25-11)

Ryan (husband) always uses the same phrase when I stress that one of my students isn't getting "it", whether it be math, reading, writing e.t.c. He says "The world needs ditch diggers." I say "I agree, but they aren't coming from my class! In my class you can be president, even though you may not want to be." Whatever your job though I have always felt it important to do your absolute best and take pride in what you do.

Well here at the Berry house, and I would suppose any house with a 3 year old, would be bursting with pride. It was hard to cheer on Cash for "poop rhymes with roop" and only because I worried it would get me called to the side of the hall after pre-school. Truly I was impressed he could rhyme so easily when many students in school struggle with this concept even sometimes into third grade. We'll come back to this pride thing....

Over the summer the teacher in me was not easily hibernated and whatever Cash showed interest in I would foster. One thing Cash did NOT want to do was write letters. He knew them all and almost all the sounds, but writing was a different story. I printed out his name multiple times on a piece of paper to trace, but one mark outside the lines and he was done! So I let it go, no need to rush such things.

Back to tonight. Cash has lately wanted to write his name, though easily frustrated if it isn't close to perfect. At dinner he grabbed a correcting pen (so easily found on a teacher's dining room table next to the pile of papers to be scored) and began to write. He finished and was so proud he said "Mom I did it take a picture!"
Have to admit, I'm pretty proud too! lol 

Later that evening we got a great surprise from Grandma Severance had sent us a present!

The box had some of my favorite books for kids. The funny thing was, Cash thought the present part was all the packing. (see video below)

And speaking of pride, do you hear daddy talking about baby throughout the video? Definitely a proud papa. Baby Ryan waved goodbye and said Da-Da. What a great night for all!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

SAM - Stay At-Home Mom (1-24-11)

My turn to stay at home, and I am excited to take Cash to pre-school! It was so nice to have breakfast together with no rush. What a lazy and slow morning, nothing like the usual hustle and bustle that requires a watchful eye on the clock. I loved going in to see what they had set out for the kids in his class. It was cute to see Cash want to sit next to one of his teachers at a table first thing.

And then....Baby Ryan got a feel for what it would have been like to be first born, no siblings. We played and laughed and explored, then he napped and I had a few moments to myself.

Such a happy boy!!!!!

When I stood outside the door to pick Cash up I saw his little head through the door, he was saying something to one of his teachers. As the door opened I heard the last part "My mom is here, my mom is here! She's picking me up today because my Nana doesn't feel well." While he was very excited, he was also very adult like.

The "Day" ended with a family nap, baby on one side and Cash on the other. Me in the middle barely waking up in time to get to a meeting at work. What a day! I am not sure who was more excited about it all myself or the boys?

30 min. a day 5x a week (1-23-11)

During the summer I was very good about exercising and walking 5x a week or more, now that school started not so much. The Berry Boys however have developed their own fitness plan!

Cash tried to give me some motivation by pulling out the step AND weights. I was surprised he could do several reps with those things. Watch out toes!

Baby Ryan prefers a stringent walking program consisting of walking as fast as you can until you hit a wall, then turn and repeat. Can you say "touch up paint"?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Medal Day or I wanna run like Phoebe and Rachel (1-22-11)

As I watched Cash through his "power hour" of gymnastics I was reminded of an episode of Friends. "The one where Phoebe runs" has Phoebe running like a 4 year old and her friend Rachel embarrassed. Eventually Rachel is convinced to try it and loves it. What happens as we grow older? Why do we start to lose that 4 year old run, start to become reserved (well some not all) and we use caution more often than not. Ahhh to be 4, or in Cash's case 3 and 3/4. 
On Medal Day all the kiddos get to start at the door and run out while music is playing to show off a forward roll. Fast as fast can be for this kid. 

Look at me! I was so proud to watch my son today, so confident at times, and then a change and he wanted to hide in my lap, ah still my baby. Most importantly today, how proud he was of himself. How does he know what a medal is, or is it just the shininess that makes it a coveted prize? I'm pretty sure he slept with the medal he got last week at Olivia's birthday party in the goody bag. Who doesn't like a medal?

And at the end of class it was medal time.

*Apologies baby Ryan, you didn't get a pic today as you were at grandma's house. 

"Pinky" (1-20-11)

Balloons, what is it about balloons that can get a kid to do just about anything? A haircut ends with a balloon, a trip to Red Robin ends with a balloon, and my kids LOVE balloons.

Sooooo Cash has ended up on a new round of antibiotics for his ear infection and still not quite himself. Enter grandma with a "get well" balloon larger than Cash (almost) and we have had one heck of an evening. Cash tied the balloon around his waist and ran around the house, back and forth his balloon catching on things and I just knew it wouldn't last the night! Wrong, Cash insisted "Pinky" was going to sleep with him and it was quite the verbal battle to agree on Pinky sleeping in the corner. Tomorrow he will convince me that Pinky needs to go to Nana's house and that it won't be a problem, and he will give me the best hug ever when I finally agree. But alas Pinky could not withstand the vigor in which Cash played and I am surprised we didn't have to hold a funeral.

Of course baby Ryan was not left out, a Toy Story balloon for him.
Hey Mom! Where's my balloon?

Monday, January 24, 2011

There's no I in team! (But there is an ME I am often told haha) 1-19-11

Not only does Cash LOVE his little brother this week, but he is all about "helping" him too! Baby Ryan takes after Cash and loves to knock down anything possible. As I played the "I build it-you knock it down" game with Baby, Cash eagerly joined in. I enjoyed these pleasant moments, no one screaming (baby) to get attention and no one screaming (Cash) that someone had touched their toys, it was such a treat! About 5 minutes later I took the following video. 

I had to laugh (not at the above video, okay well I laughed a little at that), every time Baby would get near the blocks to knock them down he would open his mouth real wide.
I guess I should have known why (see below).

Saturday, January 22, 2011

It's a SAD (stay at-home dad) day (1-18-11)

Cash has a "severe" ear infection, though you would never know it. He ran around all weekend and was non-stop playing and jumping. But last night, we knew things weren't getting better. He couldn't lay down to sleep and we would try and prop him up, but nothing would work. Ryan ended up pushing the two couches together downstairs so he could sleep propped up and I could sleep next to him. With such a rough day and needing a doctor appointment first thing Ryan stayed home with the kids. I came home to this....

I dubbed them "Ribs" and "Chubs", you can guess who is who. :)

Dad had quite an eventful day for sure, and gained an even bigger appreciation for Nana who not only watches our boys, but has our nephew who is 1 1/2 as well. (Since I am writing this late I know he is in for another big day tomorrow)

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Other Woman......accepted can you say "Big Love" (1-18-11)

Oh toddlers, they love peas one day and the next day you try to get those cute little green veggies into them and they look at you as if you mean to poison them. A coat is perfectly acceptable when sunny and when rainy you pull out every bribe in the book, then end up resorting to threats anyway which you promised you would never do....or maybe that's just me?

On that note let's have "Chubs" enter the scene. Cash told me yesterday, as he jumped vigorously on the trampoline, that he "LOVED BABY RYAN now!"
Cash: Mom when I was younger I didn't like baby Ryan, just you and daddy. Now I am older and I love baby Ryan!"
Mom: (to self) "Yeah! I knew they would end up best friends and best men at each other's wedding!"
(out loud) That's great Cash, having a little brother is very special (I have 2!)

And then we got to take this pic.....hope baby Ryan likes to share.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The grass is always greener....(1-17-11)

I really feel for baby Ryan sometimes. First, he has no idea he isn't the same size as Cash and no clue he isn't as fast as Cash. He is so "gun ho" that it makes up for whatever differences there may be. But today I think he summed it all up in one look, that unfortunately I did not catch on camera. Cash had his big bowl of popcorn up on the couch so no one, myself included, could get to it.

Baby Ryan makes a beeline for the couch and just stands still looking up at Cash, his look was priceless! It said "Who are you to be eating that stuff and leave me out?" Along with "How the heck do I get up there?" He let out a few screams and Cash easily ignored him. I went to make him a bottle and he gave in to drinking it, but not necessarily giving up the popcorn possibility.

Determination is baby Ryan's middle name, if he wants it, he will find a way to get it. I shouldn't be surprised, with his first breath he had a tough fight ahead and came out in the end just fine.  I can and do learn a lot from that little boy.

It isn't whether you win or lose.....(1-16-11)

We were very excited to attend cousin Olivia's birthday this afternoon. It was a bowling party.  Cash loved bowling the first time he tried it and couldn't wait to see his cousins. It is hard to be patient and wait through all the turns, but he does a great job. When we got his shoes on he asked if it was his turn and I said pretty soon and reminded him everyone gets two turns. He saw the ramp used to help the little kids bowl and said "Mommy I don't want to use that." Immediately I began to launch into the reasons he might want to use the ramp, but he came wearing his t-shirt backwards to the party (which if you know me wasn't  easy to do) so I just told myself to let it go.

What a great time we had! Cash never once complained about how he bowled and was proud every time he threw that ball down the lane. And at the end of the game Cash didn't have the highest score, or the lowest score and it really didn't matter. He played the game the way he wanted to and mom didn't interfere. In this case it really was all about "how you play the game."

For baby Ryan today was all about making googly eyes and laughing with his Aunties and Uncles. He wanted so badly to get down and have some bowling fun too. I really don't think he sees himself as any different from Cash. Watch out when he starts walking that's for sure!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

If all else fails, make some brownies! & All we need is a little motivation... (1-14-11)

You know those times when the kids are just plain riled up and short of sticking them on front of a movie you can't get them to calm down, use the inside voice, or "settle down!" Well that was our afternoon and so, I appealed to the chef in Cash and proposed we make brownies.

The PT asked if baby had tried to scale the stairs yet during her visit this week and I told her he stands at the bottom and lifts up like he wants to climb, but hasn't tried. Two days later I see him go around the corner to the stairs so I slowly peek around and then ran to get the camera. I could hear Ryan and Cash laughing upstairs, probably wrestling and baby wasn't about to be left out by a few, or rather 20 measly stairs. So, he was off!

You caught me mom!

I stood right behind him and let him go for it (ahh how many times do we scaffold as parents throughout the lives of our children) and he barely stopped as he made his way up. 

One step at a time....
Yeah, I see daddy!
Okay baby Ryan thanks for the lesson. When you see (or hear) what you want and the stairs ahead are long and steep, go for it, use those who are your biggest supporters to stand behind you in case you fall, but never stop and never look back. So much to learn from someone so little.

The Other Woman (1-15-11)

Disclaimer on tonight's blog. I (baby Ryan) insist that Cash is NOT jealous of me but rather that everyone keeps saying what a good eater I am and therefore holds resentment towards wonderful, happy, giggly, will eat anything you put in front of him, me. :)

I remember trying to prepare myself for the sibling rivalry I could expect to see between the boys by reading those portions of my toddler books. There were also countless internet articles on the subject but a year and a half later this one particular piece on the subject still sticks in my mind. The author asked you to imagine:

"How you would feel if your husband walked in the front door with another woman, and cheerfully announced (fully expecting you to be happy about it): “Look, honey — this is our new wife! We’re all going to live together, and be happy together…and by the way, isn’t she cute?” Well, it’s the same thing for your firstborn when you step in the door with a new baby — understand that, and you’ll be better able to empathize." 

After reading this I thought there would be no hope for these two to ever get along. I don't know about you ladies, but this just wouldn't fly in my house! My boys, I wanted them to be as close as my husband is with his brother. I have watched them (my husband and his brother) for years work together, support one another, and even be each others best man. When I confirmed we were having another boy, a fact I insist I knew from the 1st week, I was overjoyed that Cash would have a brother. So when he told me last week that he didn't want baby Ryan anymore and he only liked his cousin baby Gage, the above article came reeling back into my mind.  And tonight when I asked if he would like "a break" from baby Ryan who kept getting into his things (I believe the train track got torn apart in one swoop) he was emphatic with a "yes!" So baby and I snuck off to the grandparents for a few hours and when baby and I came home he didn't complain, he didn't jump for joy, but that is probably to be expected.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Proud Parents on PT Day (1-12-11)

Baby Ryan had a rough start when he was born. 10 days in the NICU and at 4 months we started having a PT visit once a month. Ryan and I were excited for her visit because only 2 days after her visit in December he was crawling and pulling himself up. He showed off today easily picking up new skills to practice that she showed him, crawling and even cruising around with his push toy. He is doing so well it is likely that he won't need the allotted 3 years of PT. When I think about all the things I wanted for my children before I even had them, things I wanted them to have access to, want them to see, to learn, but now I have shifted my thinking somewhat, as I watch some of my students in the classroom struggle to learn the easiest of concepts and others breeze along, I want something else for my children. While initially I would say I want them to encounter no roadblocks on their journey I now say I want them to have the tools, the determination and drive to plow through those roadblocks and come out the other side stronger.

I am so proud. Baby Ryan lets nothing hold him back, he will get to whatever he wants even if it means throwing himself with all his might in the general direction of what he wants with his hand extended. He is strong enough to win some of his tug-o-war battle with big brother. Cash can pull all he wants but once something is in Ryan's hands, good luck.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Let it snow! Or not? (1-11-11)

Today Cash had a dentist appointment so I got to pick up baby and bring him home. We stopped at the store to pick up groceries in case of snow. It has been talked about for a week, but the weather reports went from 5-8 inches to a "wintry mix". After baby smiled and laughed at all the ladies throughout the store (taking after his big brother) we walked outside to a very light snow flurry of sorts. I think the camera caught 2 flakes on baby, his first snow!

Tonight Cash decided he would get in the bath with baby. This was unusual because he is usually trying to get baby out of the tub before he gets in, or lets us know baby is not exactly welcome during his  bath time. I guess if I think about it, I am not sure I would want to share my bath time either?

Monday, January 10, 2011

It's the thought, or carrot, that counts! (1-10-11)

Tonight at dinner Cash and I went through our food groups, we are always heavy on the fruit and light on the veggies. When I asked him what vegetable he would like he piped up "I already had (notice he didn't say ate) carrots at lunch." He looked pretty proud. I had to burst his bubble and explain that "having" carrots in our lunch didn't count as eating them. Once again mommy gets the bad rap.

After dinner there was a rousing game of bowling, however Cash made the teams and neither one included baby Ryan.