Saturday, January 29, 2011

Take Pride in Everything You Do! (1-25-11)

Ryan (husband) always uses the same phrase when I stress that one of my students isn't getting "it", whether it be math, reading, writing e.t.c. He says "The world needs ditch diggers." I say "I agree, but they aren't coming from my class! In my class you can be president, even though you may not want to be." Whatever your job though I have always felt it important to do your absolute best and take pride in what you do.

Well here at the Berry house, and I would suppose any house with a 3 year old, would be bursting with pride. It was hard to cheer on Cash for "poop rhymes with roop" and only because I worried it would get me called to the side of the hall after pre-school. Truly I was impressed he could rhyme so easily when many students in school struggle with this concept even sometimes into third grade. We'll come back to this pride thing....

Over the summer the teacher in me was not easily hibernated and whatever Cash showed interest in I would foster. One thing Cash did NOT want to do was write letters. He knew them all and almost all the sounds, but writing was a different story. I printed out his name multiple times on a piece of paper to trace, but one mark outside the lines and he was done! So I let it go, no need to rush such things.

Back to tonight. Cash has lately wanted to write his name, though easily frustrated if it isn't close to perfect. At dinner he grabbed a correcting pen (so easily found on a teacher's dining room table next to the pile of papers to be scored) and began to write. He finished and was so proud he said "Mom I did it take a picture!"
Have to admit, I'm pretty proud too! lol 

Later that evening we got a great surprise from Grandma Severance had sent us a present!

The box had some of my favorite books for kids. The funny thing was, Cash thought the present part was all the packing. (see video below)

And speaking of pride, do you hear daddy talking about baby throughout the video? Definitely a proud papa. Baby Ryan waved goodbye and said Da-Da. What a great night for all!

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