Friday, January 14, 2011

Proud Parents on PT Day (1-12-11)

Baby Ryan had a rough start when he was born. 10 days in the NICU and at 4 months we started having a PT visit once a month. Ryan and I were excited for her visit because only 2 days after her visit in December he was crawling and pulling himself up. He showed off today easily picking up new skills to practice that she showed him, crawling and even cruising around with his push toy. He is doing so well it is likely that he won't need the allotted 3 years of PT. When I think about all the things I wanted for my children before I even had them, things I wanted them to have access to, want them to see, to learn, but now I have shifted my thinking somewhat, as I watch some of my students in the classroom struggle to learn the easiest of concepts and others breeze along, I want something else for my children. While initially I would say I want them to encounter no roadblocks on their journey I now say I want them to have the tools, the determination and drive to plow through those roadblocks and come out the other side stronger.

I am so proud. Baby Ryan lets nothing hold him back, he will get to whatever he wants even if it means throwing himself with all his might in the general direction of what he wants with his hand extended. He is strong enough to win some of his tug-o-war battle with big brother. Cash can pull all he wants but once something is in Ryan's hands, good luck.

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