Saturday, January 22, 2011

It's a SAD (stay at-home dad) day (1-18-11)

Cash has a "severe" ear infection, though you would never know it. He ran around all weekend and was non-stop playing and jumping. But last night, we knew things weren't getting better. He couldn't lay down to sleep and we would try and prop him up, but nothing would work. Ryan ended up pushing the two couches together downstairs so he could sleep propped up and I could sleep next to him. With such a rough day and needing a doctor appointment first thing Ryan stayed home with the kids. I came home to this....

I dubbed them "Ribs" and "Chubs", you can guess who is who. :)

Dad had quite an eventful day for sure, and gained an even bigger appreciation for Nana who not only watches our boys, but has our nephew who is 1 1/2 as well. (Since I am writing this late I know he is in for another big day tomorrow)

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