Saturday, January 8, 2011

Best laid plans and other Friday notes (1-7-11)

I love coming home on Fridays! Just knowing I get to spend two days with the boys always makes me jazzed about pulling in the driveway. The enthusiastic "Hi mom!" (no Donkey Kong was on) and baby's best smile wash away the day, which although a good one, state testing looms. My pics today are first thing in the morning. The plan was that if I took morning pics on a day I might come home late, I would at least be sure to have something to post. Well baby as always was enthusiastic, Cash however, not so much.

Bring on the weekend! Gymnastics and a lot of hullabaloo......

1 comment:

  1. Can I guess that Cash is not a morning person?? LOL!! Ryan 2 is always so smiley!
